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Personalized nutrition solutions for vibrant health!

gluten free vegan pancakes

Easiest Gluten Free Vegan Pancakes

Are you looking for a quick, simple and filling breakfast that doesn’t include gluten, eggs, and milk? These are the easiest gluten free vegan pancakes that will ever rock your mornings! Bonus- they are fluffy too! This blog contains affiliate links for products I use and love. As an Amazon affiliate, I receive a small…
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January 16, 2020 0
Copycat version of Simple Mills Artisan Bread

Copycat Simple Mills Artisan Bread

Do you love Simple Mills gluten free boxed mixes? I do, but don’t always have one on hand or want to pay for the convenience! So, I decided to make something similar from ingredients I had at home! These copycat Simple Mills artisan rolls are the result. This recipe could probably be made into a…
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January 5, 2020 27
Give Thanks

Thankful For What We CAN Eat

Do you have food allergies, intolerances, or other food limitations? Does it make you feel left out of social events or are you thankful for what you CAN eat? Social activities often revolve around food. Honestly, at times, I’ve struggled with feeling sad or that I’m missing out on something at social gatherings. So as…
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November 21, 2019 1

Organic Naturally Tinted Lip Balm

Are you looking for an organic naturally tinted lip balm? If so, I’ve got a product to share with you! As a natural-loving gal, I’m not big on makeup. But when I do wear it, I want to make sure it’s naturally tinted.  Thankfully, there is currently a lot of mineral wear makeup currently on…
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January 22, 2019 2

What Clients are Saying

“Just want to send a shout out and a huge Thank You to Kamie Stoner and her wonderful nutrition and overall wellness advice! At 11 weeks pregnant, my blood pressure had already begun to rise, averaging around 140-150/90-98. After trying some of her recommendations of a few nutrients to add and reduce, it dropped back…
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June 30, 2017 0